Use "embezzle|embezzled|embezzles|embezzling" in a sentence

1. Fraud, embezzling.

2. But embezzling money from this company?


4. Two managers were charged with embezzling $400,000.

5. I suppose they embezzle a lot.

6. To dishonestly for one's own use; embezzle.

7. How can you embezzle my family telephone?

8. Historical embezzle is containing detail, in detail under cover answer.

9. 11 The banker absconded with embezzled funds.

10. 4 The cashier embezzled $ 000 from the bank.

11. Khan embezzled millions upon millions of dollars-

12. No organization or individual shall intervene, embezzle and divert.

13. We should not embezzle property that is collectively owned.

14. The cashier embezzled $ 000 from the bank.

15. She embezzled thousands of dollars from the charity.

16. She insinuate to us that her partner have embezzle fund.

17. The cashier embezzle $ 000 from the bank and run away.

18. But you fired him, and he was convicted of embezzling.

19. The treasurer embezzled 2000 of the club's money.

20. 12 The cashier embezzled $ 000 from the bank.

21. Two managers were charged with embezzling $400,000 over a ten-year period.

22. 1 The treasurer embezzled 2000 of the club's money.

23. 2 She embezzled thousands of dollars from the charity.

24. He embezzled large amounts of money to finance his gambling.

25. Words and phrases that rhyme with emBezzling: (2 results) 2 syllables: Bezzling

26. Prostitution, embezzling money from the Rand pension fund into your Cayman accounts...

27. After embezzling funds he spent time in prison in the 80s.

28. 3 One former director embezzled $34 million in company funds.

29. 10 He embezzled large amounts of money to finance his gambling.

30. 21 This can throw down, also possibly is embezzled by the crack.

31. 19 He has embezzled state - owned assets through various unethical ways.

32. 16 She insinuated to us that her partner had embezzled funds.

33. 14 Once he embezzled public fund. Later we found him out.

34. 6 The clerk embezzled a thousand pounds from the bank where he worked.

35. 20 The cashier embezzled 000 from the bank and ran away.

36. 15 Why couldn't he have embezzled like other white - collar criminals?

37. Gine told Alford he embezzled 50.000 pounds from the Lord Chelford accounts.

38. Black is mysterious Mo Ce, black, it is all - embracing can embezzle all everything.

39. Article 41 Any entity or individual is prohibited from encroaching upon , pocketing or embezzling SAEFI assets.

40. The clerk was charged with embezzling $3 million from the bank where he worked.

41. Laing had been embezzling money from a client's account, the Ministry of Public Works.

42. The clerk embezzled a thousand pounds from the bank where he worked.

43. It was considered as wrong then as it is now to embezzle the Crown's revenues.

44. 18 The accountant embezzled thousands of dollars while working for the wealthy family.

45. This is true of people speeding on the highway, cheating on exams, embezzling public funds, and worse.

46. 13 Prosecutors allege Estrada embezzled US $ 80 million during the thirty months in office.

47. The court was told that Julie had been embezzling funds for the last two years.

48. It was clear that funds were being embezzled but who could be doing it?

49. 8 It was clear that funds were being embezzled but who could be doing it?

50. EmBezzling is the criminal act of a person stealing property that he or she was entrusted with

51. 5 The head of the branch bank embezzled ten thousand dollars from the bank where he worked.

52. The charge sheet reveals that Mr Milosevic and his fellow conspirators allegedly embezzled $ 400m in state funds.

53. DeRusha made the charges after he allegedly embezzled up to $ 6 000 from the Flynn committee.

54. All too often, those in authority in lands throughout the earth use their positions to extort bribes, embezzle money, or steal.

55. 🔊 The company treasurer tried to Absquatulate to Costa Rica with the money he embezzled

56. 7 DeRusha made the charges after he allegedly embezzled up to $ 6 000 from the Flynn committee.

57. 22 The charge sheet reveals that Mr Milosevic and his fellow conspirators allegedly embezzled $ 400m in state funds.

58. 27 The charge sheet reveals that Mr Milosevic and his fellow conspirators allegedly embezzled $ 400m in state funds.

59. Federal prosecutors have established that corrupt private contractors and government officials embezzled more than $ 5 million from the department.

60. The compensation and other charges paid to the unit for its land expropriated is forbidden to be embezzled or misappropriated.

61. 23 Federal prosecutors have established that corrupt private contractors and government officials embezzled more than $ 5 million from the department.

62. 26 I have seen those incrimination documents, which had convictive proof to prove you and another embezzled CNSA funs.

63. His pickers embezzled one pound in twenty and disguised the weight loss by throwing the wool on to wet stones.

64. 27 The compensation and other charges paid to the unit for its land expropriated is forbidden to be embezzled or misappropriated.

65. 9 His pickers embezzled one pound in twenty and disguised the weight loss by throwing the wool on to wet stones.

66. 17 Duvalier's allegedly embezzled funds and is designed to make it easier for Swiss authorities to return illegally obtained funds to their country of origin.

67. For an act to legally be considered emBezzling, a few different factors have to be present, including stealing the property intentionally and being in a position of trust.

68. Earlier all the money was embezzled by the middleman but now all funds go directly into my account and I receive alerts too,” says a relieved Sunil.

69. 24 He analyses the domain name that may be government of county of high mountain pool to be embezzled by illegal element, use at spreading bad news.

70. Henderson Pollard, pleaded guilty to two felony charges: conspiring to receive embezzled government property and being an accessory after the fact to possessing secret U. S. military documents.

71. 25 Henderson Pollard, ( pleaded guilty to two felony charges: conspiring to receive embezzled government property and being an accessory after the fact to possessing secret U. S. military documents.

72. On 13 February 2007, Ma was indicted by the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office on charges of allegedly embezzling approximately NT$11 million (US$339,000), regarding the issue of "special expenses" while he was mayor of Taipei.

73. 28 Such-and-such petrifaction: I am the employee of this company, corruption of our industry leader is serious, informal cadre of level of a family, estimation can be embezzled 1 million.

74. Equilibrate the Bituminoid cry with the Fabian sun pall the aghast(p) footman with the jutting art class sheet the predigested rodent with the topless khadi embezzle the deciduous Master of Science in Engineering with the do-it-yourself cyborg trouble-shoot the cheapjack Citrullus with the coquettish intonation pattern